[3Dモデル]NEKOMEKKA[アバター] [VRC]
- ダウンロード商品¥ 5,000
クエストと顔+視線追跡バージョンを含む! シュクルカは憤慨した。なぜルナが注目されるんだ!?「みんな機械が好きなんだね。見せてやろう......" このシュクルカがネコメッカになったのは、より大衆にアピールするためか、復讐のためか、まだわからない。 トリニャンは、あなたの近所で狂った機械猫娘が暴れても、責任はとれない。 こちらは「シュクルカ~ねこめっか~」のスペシャル・エディションです。 この商品は期間限定販売商品です。 このアバターは単体販売商品です。 このアバターの販売期間は3週間です。 この期間を過ぎると入手できなくなります。 説得力のあるショーケースビデオ: https://shorturl.at/bwIO3 version 1.1 -fixes around neck, you may only replace fbx 1.2 - toggles fixed
パッケージにはSFW状態のアバターが含まれています。NSFWの細部のテクスチャは漂白されています。付属のテクスチャを使用して修正したり、肌色を編集したり、インプラントのディテールを削除することができますが、これはお客様の編集になります。アバターはSFWです。 アバターはすでにリリースされている製品のキットバッシュのように見えるかもしれませんし、実際そうなのですが、マテリアルの最適化がかなり行われています。背骨のインプラントと翼は完全に新しいスクラッチメイドのアセットです。テクスチャ、マテリアル、メッシュは他のアバターとは互換性がありません。 このアバターはオレンジ色に格付けされていますが、十分な努力をすれば緑色にすることもできます。 クエスト・バージョンも含まれていますが、お客様のアバターをクエスト・ユーザーに見せるだけの無料ボーナスであることに注意してください。これは非常に質が悪くて、ほとんどの機能が欠けています! アイトラッキングバージョンも含まれており、vive pro eyeとそのブランドのトラッカーもサポートしています。それ以外のセットアップには、お客様のシステムの知識と可能な調整が必要です。
アバターランク:medium 「オレンジ」 ポリゴン数: 69994 (お客様の創造性のために残り6ポリゴン) メッシュ数: 7個 マテリアル数:12個 各パーツのテクスチャ10セット。主なパーツはボディ、顔、髪、スーツ、マスク。1k~2kのテクスチャセットを使用 アップロードサイズは約15MB VRAM使用量65MB程度 ノーマルマップはハイポリからベイクしたもので、マスクとブレンドファイルも含まれています。
• トータル・エミッションのリカラー - アウトラインとディゾルブ・エフェクトまで、すべてがスタイリッシュなまま • ハンドヘルドタッチメニューでウイング、スーツ、リカラー。ダブルフィンガーポイントを押したままアクティブにする。その他はメニューから切り替え。 • おっぱい、お腹、お尻、太ももにPhysBones入り。尻尾やフラップなど、一部のメカニカルパーツにもPhysBones入り • トグル - インプラント、背骨、翼、スーツ、マスク、角。ホーンとマスク以外はすべてディゾルブアニメーション • エミッションはアニメーション化されている(単純に) • 目は奥行きのあるパララックスシェーダーを利用する。ファンシーである • gogolocoはクエストと非アイトラッキングアバターに実装された。アイ・トラッキングアバターにはロコモーションがなく、fbtでのみ動作する • クエストバージョン • アイ・トラッキング+フェイス・トラッキングバージョン
1)I'm not responsible for any damage done, by the use of this model. 2)All authoring rights to model belongs to me, you are buying the right to only use asset. 3)You cannot sell source files or modification that includes source model/parts in original or modyfied state 4)You can sell attachments, custom clothes, props, exc for this model, ones you made youself. package should exclude any original data. 5)You are allowed to use this model for commercial use(videos, games, events, streams) where source files are not exposed to public download\use. (You should give me regular noticeable credit in titles or description.) 6)You may use this model personally, no public uploads to game servers, nor uploads to friend as private one allowed. 7)You can share model data with trusted mod maker to have personal modifications, this person allowed to do tuning commercially. This person not allowed to use this model, share it, or distribute in any way, source data they recieve should be deleted as soon as work finished. My authoring rights on any mesh and texture that made with original data are still in force. they have same usage terms. 8)Buyers are responsible for any usage terms violation, that happen due model sharing with third person.
THIS IS A LIMITED TIME PRODUCT IT WILL ONLY BE SOLD FOR THREE WEEKS UNTIL 2023-08-29 If you use this Avatar for Streaming, TikTok, Twitter or other platforms, even if it's just the Body, then please make sure to credit the concept artist nradiowave and Torinyan. QUEST AND FACE+EYETRACKING VERSION INCLUDED! Shkurka was livid, why did Runa get all the attention!? "So people love machines, huh!? I will show them...." This Shkurka has turned herself into a NekoMekka to either become more appealing to the masses or to take revenge, we don't know yet. Torinyan can't be held responsible for a crazy Mechanical Catgirl Rampage in your neighbourhood. This is the Special Edition of Shkurka - NekoMekka This is a limited time sales product and will ONLY BE SOLD FOR THREE WEEKS. This is a standalone product, the Avatar is ready-to-use as showcased with this sole purchase. It's ready-to-upload and not meant to be edited, for that our Base Shkurka is more fit. (You can still edit her ofc) Showcase Video to convince you: https://shorturl.at/bwIO3 PLEASE JOIN THE DISCORD FOR SUPPORT: https://discord.gg/Qn8Jag7BEV DESCRIPTION/INFO: Please don't consider this avatar as an asset bundle. Mekka Shkurka is different from Base Shkurka in many ways: The Original textures and original blend files are not included. Everything is made with new UV maps. This version of Shkurka doesn't have the original Arms and Legs. They were replaced with Runa parts. This version was heavily Optimized for both FBT and VR. ORANGE RATED (Medium) but with enough dedication you can make her green. Quest Version is included but consider it just as a little bonus, not the main product. It's a very basic quest Avatar and while you'll look cute regardless, it will lack most features! This Avatar comes in an SFW State. The NSFW Textures are bleached, however you can use the included textures to fix it and edit her skin tone to remove implant details, but that will be your own NSFW Edit. The official state of this Avatar is SFW. Eyetracked Version is included, it supports vive eye pro + it's branded trackers. Any other setup might demand knowledge of your system and tweaks. This Avatar is a Kitbash from my own products but heavy material optimization took place. The body is single texture, suit also carries implants and suit (re-uvd). Spine implant and wings are completely new scratch made assets. Textures and material and meshes are not compatible with other Avatars. PACKAGE CONTENTS Eye and Facetracked Version - This version is meant to be used with FBT and Full Face Tracking HMD. You'll need an OSC Application and drivers for your HMD. There's no GoGoLoco, since parameter space is limited and consumed by facetracking. Regular Version of GoGoLoco is installed and applied - Uses unified FBX with the above version, but utilizes all usual gestures and has GoGoLoco installed for VR users. Simple Quest Edit, has optimized Skeleton for Quest Usage - Uses a separate FBX and represents itself really functionally cut, limited and re-rigged version of Shkurka. No mesh\material optimization is done, but at least quest users actually get to see you as cute NekoMekka Shkurka and enjoy talking with your main appearance. (not a cringy tomato or silly parrot) SPECIAL FEATURES Total emission recolor - to the outline and dissolve effects, everything remains stylish. "Handheld Touch Menu" for wings, suit, and recolor. Hold double finger point to activate. everything else toggled from a menu. Physbones are in boobs, belly, butt and thigs. Some mechanical parts such as tail and flaps are Physboned as well. Toggles - implants, spine, wings, suit, mask, horn. Everything besides horn and mask are dissolve animated. Emissions are animated (simple) Eyes utilize parellax shader with depth. This means that they look fancy as hecc, especially ingame. GoGoLoco implemented on quest and non eye tracked avatar. Eyetracking avatar has no locomotion and will work only in FBT. Quest Version Eyetracking + Facetracking Version FAIR WARNING THIS IS LIMITED TIME SALE AND SUPPORT AVATAR. I WILL NOT FIX IT IF YOUR GOGOLOCO BREAKS DUE TO VRC UPDATES, OR VRC WILL CHANGE SOMETHING IMPORTANT AGAIN. AFTER SALES DONE YOULL BE SUPPOSED TO FIX YOUR DIGITAL POSESSION YOUSELF. I DON'T GUARANTEE IT TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH ADDONS PAST SALES DATE. INSTALLATION: 1) Download VRChat Creator Companion and update it to the latest version 2) Open an Avatar Project with Creator Companion 3) Import Shkurka and open the "Robocat" Scene 4) Upload your Avatar via VRC SDK 4.1) To upload Quest Version please put in the Avatar ID of the main Mekka Shkurka. You need to quest version connected to the regular version and also switch the build target to android. Make sure to Hide the PC Versions as well, this is important., 5) It's all done! Please remember to create a new Project with Creator Companion before importing the avatar package! TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Uses free Poiyomi Toon 7.3 which is already included and implemented Supports Full Body Tracking. (FBT) Eye tracking as well If you want your avatar to look exactly like the pictures please use the version of Poiyomi shader included. The looks of the Avatar can alter, due to the settings of each World. She will look great in almost all of them regardless. PhysBones are implemented, for things like B00ba Squish. Avatar squished into limit of yellow rating (medium). 7 meshes, 12 materials, 69994 porygons. 6 left for your creativity. 10 Texture Sets for various parts. Main Parts are Body, Face, Hairs, Suit and mask. They use 1-2k Texture Sets. 15MB Upload Size and around 65MB VRAM Consumption. Normal maps baked from highpoly, masks and blend file included. ONCE AGAIN IT'S COMPLETELY SFW NO SECRET TOGGLES OR SECRET ADDONS. I can't guarantee the same look on new versions of Poiyomi. The character is over 18 years old, has a developed mature body, I'm not related to any user-made lore, nor any materials made with this model or its edits. It is provided to the end-user in SFW state.