商用ライセンス! kinkycat set vol.2のみ収録、アバターは含まれません。 pory-/toribaseのベースバージョンにのみ対応しています。 ストッキングとグローブは含まれません。 まずはPory-Baseアバターを別途お買い求めください https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/cdylb Toribaseアバターを先に購入してください https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/apkwrg パッケージ内容 ポリー/トリベース変態猫セットVOL.2」(衣装数種類)入り 3種類の衣装 素材・テクスチャはそれぞれ異なります。 ニップルパスティ(スクリーンショットをご確認ください)&ショーツ スクエアノーズブーツ テクニカルインフォメーション 素材は、布製のアイテムごとに分かれています シェイプキーはPorybaseにフィットします。 ShapekeysはToribaseに適合しません。 セット全体では46500ポリゴンに満たない。 ノーマルマップとマットキャップに色付け プリファブ、FBXも作成済み+BOTH BASE用ブレンドファイル
THIS PACKAGE CANNOT BE REDISTRIBUTED, GIVEN, OR SHARED IN AN ORIGINAL OR ALMOST ORIGINAL STATE. You can make your own paid products with the contents of this package, or use it in your games or videos as long as it has been added to or modified by you. Please credit this original item in the description with a LINK (not Discord ID) to our Gumroad page. You can forbid reselling or distribution of your products containing this product if you wish. Your customers can sell their own creations containing this base if they have also bought this original package. You can make free and public avatars if you want, but please still credit and the link to the original Asset and these rules. I understand that this product may be pirated, leaked, and shared publicly and I have no way to stop people from doing so, I hope that people won't do this as I put a lot of work into the base and it is a fair price I feel, but if you see it pirated please don't DM me as I'm unable to stop those who will do so anyway. These rules apply to this outfit only. Pory-/Toribase rules stay as stated on her Gumroad page.