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WARNING THIS IS A BLANK FEMALE CHARACHTER. EXPECT NUDITY IN CONTENTS 親愛なるお客様、こんにちは。 この商品は商業アバターのベースです。 これを使って、自分のアバターやコミッション、 個人的なモデルを作成したり、それを販売したりすることができます。 本製品はフルスクラッチモデルで、サイドパーツは一切含まれておらず、 MMDや他のフリーモデルも使用していません。 このモデルは完全に独立した手法で作成されており、 リメッシュやリトープではありません。 Rules #0 このパッケージは、オリジナルの状態、または ほぼオリジナルの状態で再配布、提供、共有することができません。 #1 本パッケージのコンテンツを使って有料の商品を作成したり、 ゲームや映像に使用したりすることは可能です。 #2 本製品のクレジット(Credits)を説明文中の分かりやすい場所に記載してください。 ■例 「Uses Toribase https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/AOxys https://tori-nyan.booth.pm/items/3261047 編集したコンテンツを再販・共有するには、本製品を所有している必要があります!」 4)本製品を含むあなたの製品の転売や配布を禁止することができます。 6)オリジナルパッケージを購入したお客様に限り、 本データを含む自作の作品を販売することができます。 7)アバターを自由に作成して公開することができますが、 その際には本製品へのリンクと使用ルールを ユーザーに通知する必要があります(使用ルールはそのままです)。 8)メッシュ上のクレジットシェイプキーを削除することはできません。 理由としては、VRMの性能が厳しいことが考えられますが、 それでもクレジットは目に見える場所に残さなければなりません。
Dear customers i warn you that toribase is not a finished avatar! Its a DIY kit! You supposed to make avatar of it. I do not provide blendshapes on cloth, nor blendshapes for certain cloth on all [toribase] series. You need blender and unity skills to use it! All products for toribase are kitbash for your creation purposes. Hello Dear Customer, This product is a commercial western-style avatar base, available from: https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/AOxys for $15 USD. You can make your own personal avatars, do commissions or private avatars with it and you're welcome to sell them as well, but please follow the rules below. It is made by referencing a lot of popular EU and US avatars and I'm grateful to the western avatar creation community for such good reference sheets I had after playing VRVhat for several years. This avatar is sculpted completely from scratch and does not contain any parts from other models at all, including no MMD or other free models. The model is made 100% made by me from scratch, no meshes or otherwise were used. RULES 1) THIS PACKAGE CANNOT BE REDISTRIBUTED, GIVEN, OR SHARED IN AN ORIGINAL OR ALMOST ORIGINAL STATE. 2) You can make your own paid products with the contents of this package, or use it in your games or videos as long as it has been added to or modified by you. 3) Please credit this original base in the description. For Example: "Uses Toribase https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/AOxys please do not resell or share the original base model!" 4) You can forbid reselling or distribution of your products containing this product if you wish. 5) Your customers can sell their own creations containing this base if they have also bought this original package. 6) You can make free and public avatars if you want, but please still credit and the link to the original Toribase https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/AOxys and these rules. 7) Please don't delete the credit shape keys on the meshes. Unless making a high-performance version or VRM if so please leave credit visible somewhere in package. 8) I understand that this product may be pirated, leaked, and shared publicly and I have no way to stop people from doing so, I hope that people won't do this as I put a lot of work into the base and it is a fair price I feel, but if you see it pirated please don't DM me as I'm unable to stop those who will do so anyway. Please note - this avatar is an experimental attempt to make a seller-friendly base, so purchasing it for $15 means I will be able to continue supporting the avatar and making more parts or more bases in the future. If it's only pirated it discourages me from making more as I make no money for the time invested in sculpting an avatar from scratch which takes a lot of time and skill. SUPPORT CONDITIONS: I expect users to have basic knowledge of blender and unity so you know where to start in making an avatar from a base, I can't help with every detail of everything everyone asks so please take the time and learn to add clothing, animations, etc. But if there is a problem with the base or something you can't work out you can ask on my discord server in the support channel and we will try and help if possible: http://discord.gg/29DQhSpm5e It is up to you what parts you remove or features you want to add, make your own creations! But you're welcome to ask for suggestions if you like. I'M NOT RELATED TO ANY CHARACTERS MADE USING THIS BASE OR USAGE BY THIRD PARTIES AND I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE DONE BY PEOPLE USING THIS AVATAR. I DON'T GUARANTEE YOUR SALES, THAT'S UP TO YOU! PACKAGE CONTENTS -Assembled example avatar with all twist, volume, and dynamic bones enabled, materials are set up and ready to use. The avatar has been tested to upload and work in VRC with FBT supported as well, all necessary maps (masks, baked normals) are included! -Blender file and PSD files included. Geo is not triangulated. Exports are expected to be via the CATS plugin in blender. Please use at least blender 2.91.2 -animation layer setup has not been done as it's an example test. -To open the scene make sure you've imported the SDK and dynamic bones package before the avatar so that the dynamic bone settings load, the scene can then be opened in the SCENES folder. TECH SPECS -51k poly 3 textures, 4 base materials, 3 skinned meshes. Textures are 2k. All UVS are unique, almost no overlaps -The face has 100+ shape keys (including visemes and fix keys). Eyes are set up for avatar 3.0. PSD file contains makeup layers. -Topology is symmetrical, all weights are not more than 4 per vertex. -Body has rigging, volume, and twist bones in the hands, knees, and belly. -Jiggle physics are present in the breasts, butt, belly, and thighs. Legs have simple twist bones too to omit bad deforms. -17 shape keys to modify the body shape. There is also a high heels key on the feet included as well. -The hair is a basic placeholder, it has a simple rig and diffuse texture while you're welcome to use it I don't expect you to, feel free to change to your own. -The hair and eyelashes are recolorable. -The genitalia is not detailed, however, the breasts are detailed. -Example is made using Poiyomi 7.0.95 (included). -Other packages such as dynamic bones are not included and must be purchased separately. -The VRChat SDK is not included, please use the latest 3.0 SDK. CREDITS Torinyan Thanx to good people helped me to finish it quickly Reiji-RJ - body texture BULLOCKA - face and hair texture I would love to say great thanks to Godfall for their designs that made heavy inspiration to making this base
1.2 fixes and updates -nsfw version added. has those uwu and butthole. holes have open key and customisable. "sfw" is included as well. Please note you need to replace material textures to corresponding SFW ones. -nails added. has uvs and longer key -added few face keys and body keys -minor fixes -now has sample outfit. -sample asset has some anims and gestures now
-minor fixes -added pasties and skirt
-Textures are now unified, you no longer need to switch between SFW and NSFW -Updated topology on butt, legs and crotch. Improves deformations and silhouette -minor fixes This update should not ruin your custom cloth weights, but will interfere with body ShapeKey animations
Reworked forPhysbone. WARNING - MODEL SkELETON CHANGED, but clothes still reuse same bone namings and weights so will work Blend file has been sweeped from all textures, because they still were incorrect